[Verse-dev] Blender <-> 3DS

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Thu Jun 8 10:05:52 CEST 2006

Jiří Hnídek wrote:
> Hi,
> I commited to gsoc cvs repository at last in 24th April, I did last cvs 
> merge 21th March. Reason: I have been busy with some other project for 
> one czech airlines. I would like to continue with work at verse-blender 
> as soon as possible.
> I would like to finish support for images in verse-blender (uploading 
> images to verse server) and I would like to focus at making 
> verse-blender multi threading application and support of mesh in 
> verse-blender again (stability, more functionality, ...).

What is the status of the coordinate flipping? This is perhaps a very
basic issue, but it's also rather obvious when you try to actually
co-operate with other Verse clients using Blender. It would be very
nice to have a version of Verse-Blender that exports/imports coordinates
in the proper Verse system, for SIGGRAPH. Do you think that is possible,
if it's not already done? Last time I saw Verse-Blender in use was in
connection to the last Uni-Verse review (late March), when Toni worked
on getting some Elephants Dream geometry into a Verse server. It had
incorrect coordinates, then ...



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