[Verse-dev] Verse at Siggraph

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Sat Jul 29 20:13:46 CEST 2006


I'm  typing this from the Boston convention center expo floor where  
everyone is busy building booths for next weeks siggraph.

Verse will be here in the Open source pavilion(booth #1527) so if you  
are here come and see me and every one else show demos and spread the  
word on verse. To coincide with this i have made some updates to my  
web page with new screenshots documentation and new versions of the  
applications.The new rendering features in co on (connector) is very  

Check it out at www.quelsolaar.com

Special thanks to Emil for helping me to put everything together.

There will also be a verse BOF in room 213 at 1 PM Tuesday.



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