[Verse-dev] mac binary builds

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Jul 21 09:27:09 CEST 2006

Justizin wrote:
> Howdy all!


> I over-read a conversation between emil and someone earlier today 
> talking about binaries, and I wonder if it would be helpful to verse 
> project, i.e. reduce load on anyone, if I could help build OSX 
> binaries.  It occurred to me also that I might check and see if the
> r5 binaries I have are Universal, and I note that they don't appear
> to be.
> So, I guess this is two issues:
> (a) it's possible to build universal binaries, i.e. ppc/i386 hybrid 
> binaries, on either of a ppc or an intel mac.  I think the flag is
> gcc -universal
> (b) my macbook pro can run a build very fast.
> I'm glad to help! ;)

Thanks, that's a most generous offer.

The release we were talking about is, however, not just of the core
Verse software (which I define as the server binary, the library, and
the API header). A full Uni-Verse release will include (CVS module
references in square brackets):

* The Verse Core [verse/]
* The Simple Renderer [verse-tests/render.c]
* VML loader and saver [vml/]
* Purple [purple/]
* Puyo (not a binary, so no build) [puyo/]
* Connector (quelsolaar/co_*)
* Loq Airou (quelsolaar/la_*
* Quel Solaar (quelsolaar/qs_*)
* UV Editor (quelsolaar/uv_*)
* Layer Painter (quelsolaar/lp_*)

If you have set up to build all these, then I guess we're interested.
If not; we are currently relying on the help of Camilla Berglund (see
the list archives for posts by her) to the Mac builds.

The current planning is a bit tight too; we're currently waiting for
new code for the quelsolaar/* apps from Eskil. He has until the night
between Tuesday and Wednesday, next week, to work on that. Sometime
before lunch on Wednesday, I will go to the office (I'm on vacation,
which is why it's only going to be a couple of hours), merge Eskil's
code into CVS, do new builds for Linux and Windows, and hope for
Camilla to do the same for the Mac. Then I'll upload all builds to
the uni-verse.org web page, and unhide the page.

As you can see, this schedule is a bit tight, and I am a bit afraid
of involving too many people, perhaps extra much so considering the
difference in timezones (all times above in Swedish local time, which
is currently UTC+2h).

Re: universal binaries: Camilla should be able to do universal builds,
however, she's not able to test them due simply to lack of x86-based
hardware. Perhaps the two of you could co-operate, with Camilla doing
the builds and Justizin "signing off" that they work on x86? Just a
thought. :) If we had the build process verified to produce correct
universal binaries, before the crunch next week, that'd be good.

Feel free to use the list to discuss this further, if desired.



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