[Verse-dev] new logo

eskil at obsession.se eskil at obsession.se
Fri Jul 14 22:19:17 CEST 2006


Me and Emil have been preparing things for Siggraph. As I hope you  
know we will be a part of the OpenSource pavilion Booth thanks to Ton.  
We will show case all kind of cool verse stuff so if you are going to  
siggraph go and have a chance to see it and meet me.

Ton has been on me for probably over a year to create a verse logo.  
What he wanted was a little USB like icon that people can have on  
their homepages and in their apps to show that they support verse. I  
though it was a great idea, but not until now have i actually done  
one. you can see it at:


What do you think, cool? uncool? any comments welcome.



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