[Verse-dev] Verse performance

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Jan 30 09:16:02 CET 2006

eskil at obsession.se wrote:
> Hi
> Probably how you use the verse API greatly influences how fast verse
> is so we need to figure out what the server, Emil's png loader and
> connector does right > and gimp does very wrong. Knowing the Brecht
> who wrote the Gimp plug in I'm guessing hes not to blame. There is
> probably a timing issue where Gimp doesn't give the plug access to
> the net often enough. How ever we are going to look in to this.

Yeah ... I realized that my only other testing client for bitmap
downloading is the Verse Bitmap Viewer ("vbv"), which is a GTK+
program just like GIMP. Perhaps it'd be useful to write a "pure"
bitmap downloader, to have something to use as a benchmarking
reference point.

Connector isn't very suitable either, since it does the bitmap
refresh gradually, making it a bit hard to know when all of a
bitmap has actually been received.

 > I think Emil has put the new and tweaked verse version in CVS (it
 > is  completely backward compatible).

Actually I haven't, I'm not sure if I should ... Do we trust the
changes we did, enough to publish them right away?



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