[Verse-dev] connector nor verse never connect

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Thu Jan 26 09:21:46 CET 2006

trip somewhere wrote:
> OSX 10.4.4
> localhost
> any other info I dont know, am I suppost to input extra data ???
> I can't get it to connect to anything, but all other internet stuff
> for me is fine even my own webserver

Well ...

I'm not totally sure that you actually have a Verse server running.

Verse is a client/server protocol, a bit like the web. You can't read
a webpage unless there is a web server hosting it. Likewise, you can't
work with Verse data unless there is a Verse server hosting it for

You typically run the Verse server yourself, and then once it's running
you can connect any Verse application to it.

You don't connect Connector and Loq Airou, your original examples, to
*each other* directly; you connect both to the same server at the same
time, and then they can share data that way.

I'm sorry if this is things you already know, I'm not certain.

You need to download or compile a Verse server for your operating
system. The page here: <http://www.elmindreda.org/verse/> has a
file named "Verse SDK for Mac OS X" which contains the server in
a pre-compiled, ready to run, format. If you don't already have
that running, you should download it and run it. Then try running
the application(s), and connect to localhost.

I hope that helps.



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