[Verse-dev] verse build (in blender) fails....

Tony Agee tonyagee at cox.net
Wed Aug 23 09:04:31 CEST 2006

It worked for me, to simply remove the 'f' at the end of the line. Vc2005
didn't like it. Does that change the value of the constant?
 Verse seems to work for me, given very brief testing, I've just completed
the build.

-----Original Message-----
From: verse-dev-bounces at projects.blender.org
[mailto:verse-dev-bounces at projects.blender.org] On Behalf Of Emil Brink
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:38 PM
To: verse-dev at projects.blender.org
Subject: Re: [Verse-dev] verse build (in blender) fails....

Tony Agee wrote:
> Hello!
>   I am trying to build blender with Verse support. I am using MSVC 2005 
> Express, with the scons build system provided by blender.
> The build fails compiling v_gen_pack_g_node.c with several errors. 
> (C2177: constant too big)
> These occur on every line referencing V_REAL32_MAX, defined in verse.h, 
> with a value of 3.40282347e+38F .

Ah, the Buried Bug.

This is a known problem, unfortunately without a good fix. The problem is
that we (as in, the Verse protocol) needs a distinct floating point bit-
pattern to use to indicate various things, when a float command parameter is
not used.

For this, we use the V_REAL32_MAX symbol, which is supposed to be the
largest IEEE number. The problem is that that number seems to vary with
the platform and/or compiler!

What I've done to make Verse compile, and seemingly run okay, when this has
occured, is to simply change the constant to the local system's proper
FLT_MAX or so. This is incredibly shaky however, and this issue needs to
be fixed for real.

This absolutely sucks, but so far we've been unable to come up with a way
to fix it. I would love to use the "NaN" pattern, but there seems to be no
portable way to *set* a float variable to NaN. Don't ask me why.

Taking a quick surf, I realize there are actually ways around this, and
perhaps that is the way we should go. We really want the semantics of NaN,
to indicate that a field is not currently holding a valid number, but is
being used for something else.

What do you think about switching to NaN, Eskil? Of course, this would be
a non-backwards compatible change, and would force us to bump the release
number to seven.



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