[Verse-dev] Per face material

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Apr 14 22:08:47 CEST 2006

Peter Lundén wrote:
> Im trying to build a very simple geometry with per face material. I've 
> hand made a vml file (attached). Most verse tools like Loqairou, 
> Quelsolaar and Connector craches when loding the file. (using the 
> versions found on http://www.uni-verse.org/Downloads.58.0.html on 
> windows)  I think the file is correctly made. If I change the the layer 
> type of the face layer from layer-polygon-face-uint32 to 
> layer-polygon-face-uint8 then Connector and Loqairou don not crach but 
> Quelsolaar does still.

I can't say anything about Quelsolaar, but the "generic" problem that
almost all tools that use Enough crash from this *might* be due to a
problem in Enough, that Eskil handed me a patch for last week.

I guess we need to rebuild all the tools with that fix in place, it
seems more critical than I had first realized.

Unless you are building against the latest Enough, from CVS that is,
please try that and see if it helps.

I just ran Connector against your test.vml with no crashes, at least.



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