[Verse-dev] Some basics - Couldn't set ... buffer size

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Apr 14 21:54:30 CEST 2006

Robert S. Sarnoski wrote:
> Hello and sorry I am such a 'newbie', but I guess we
> all have to start somewhere. I am new to programming
> (C specifically) and to the OpenGL/3D world.

Absolutely! There's really no need to apologize for being
new to programming; we're just happy you've chosen to look
at Verse as one of your first projects. :)

> I am trying to build some of the Verse projects with
> MacOS X am having some problems.
> When I build the verse server and run it, I always
> get, "v_network: Couldn't set send buffer size of
> socket to 1048576
> v_network: Couldn't set receive buffer size of socket
> to 1048576".  The same occurs when using the makefile
> (I am currently using Project Builder MacOS X 10.28).
> So, none of the other projects can connect to the
> verse server (even the pre-built binaries).

Hm ... That doesn't follow, really. The failure to set the
buffer size seems to be something that haunts the Mac OS X
platform, but it should *not* make it impossible to connect
with Verse or use it.

I don't have a lot of experience with Mac OS X programming
myself, nor access to any machine, so I can't do a lot about
this problem. :/

It should, however, mainly impact performance, not make it
completely impossible to connect. If that is what you see,
there must be some other issue in play.

> Do I need to open a port?  Am I missing Libraries or
> Framework?

You might need to open a port in your firewall if you are
running the traffic across it, yes. I'm not sure how that
works in Mac OS X between programs on the same machine. The
Verse port number, if you want to try it, is 4950 (UDP).



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