[Verse-dev] Connector source availability

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Apr 3 10:45:51 CEST 2006

Samium Gromoff wrote:
[lib* in quelsolaar]
> A bigger problem is that those libraries are not, in the full sense,
> libraries, because the build process does not structure them out.

Well ... It depends on definitions. :) They're built, at least in Linux,
as static libraries (lib*.a).

Why is this a problem?

> Thing is, this makes linking against them impossible, as i understand
> it.

Hm ... No, they're most certainly possible to link against, but they're
not *currently* meant to be installed in a library location on a user's
system. We link them statically in all applications that need them, and
just separate them out and build them as lib's as an intermediate step
since it makes sense.

I know Eskil builds the applications by just adding all the necessary
source files to a project in his IDE, and hitting the "Compile" button,
but for the Makefile-driven approach I really like modularizing the code
into discrete libraries, if only for the build process so far.



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