[Verse-dev] Re: Bug in verse.h

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Sep 26 12:54:13 CEST 2005

Raine Kajastila wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Raine!. I  moved this to the verse-dev list, since it sounded like an
item of public interest.

> I noticed that in verse.h at lines 371 and 380 there are commas at the 
> end of enum lists. Are they supposed to be there? I got compilation 
> error about them.
> and
> Just informing you, if it happens to be a bug.

Oh! I didn't know that was a problem, then I guess it is indeed a bug.

I guess this is a GNU/MSVC++ism that has crept into the code. I'll fix
it for the next release, thanks for the tip.

Which compiler/platform are you using?



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