[Verse-dev] Saving and Loading

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Sep 14 15:28:23 CEST 2005

Samuel Siltanen wrote:
> Ok, I traced the problem. My applications save the number of vertices, 
> polygons and materials in a tag in the object-node. These numbers are 
> not strict boundaries, because one cannot expect that Verse would give a 
> certain number of nodes, but they indicate when to start processing the 
> data further. This is not done until sufficiently many nodes are loaded.
> Now, in the data which I get back after saving and loading, all the tag 
> values are set to -1! This is a signal to my applications to proceed 
> immediatelly and not to wait any data from the server. That is why I get 
> very strange results. So, should the tags values be preserved through 
> the saving and loading process? At least now they are not.

Interesting. I e-mailed you off-list about some other problem I observed
at least here, but this sounds like a simpler thing.

I looked in the VML file I got here:

<taggroup name="information">
	<tag-uint32 name="vertex_count">23370</tag-uint32>
	<tag-uint32 name="poly_count">22782</tag-uint32>
	<tag-uint32 name="mat_count">42</tag-uint32>

That looks correct, or at least plausible. So I looked at the loader's
tag loading code. And sure enough, there was a bug! :) I've committed
the fix, please try it now.



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