[Verse-dev] Saving and Loading

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Tue Sep 13 17:12:28 CEST 2005


I can report that I compiled and run (using a very complex geometry 
consisting of one single unit cube :-) ) the loader/saver on Cygwin 
without any problems.


Emil Brink wrote:

> Here I go again, talking to myself with a few more updates:
>> I started yesterday to get this very ad-hoc format formally defined, 
>> by applying some standard XML syntax description to it (I know of 
>> DTDs, XML Schema, and Relax NG, although I'm most familiar with 
>> DTDs). However, that failed. :/ This is because the VML format, as 
>> used up to know, is a bit ... too relaxed. It relies on attribute 
>> values to control element parsing, which is something I have not been 
>> able to express with any of the above-mentioned formalisms.
>> So, after brief discussion with Eskil, I will change the format 
>> around slightly, so it becomes possible to describe it formally. I 
>> feel that a formal definition of the syntax is helpful to have. I 
>> will probably use either XML Schema or Relax NG for this.
> This has been done, and the format is now specified using XML Schema.
> I have a schema done for all node types except audio. :/ The omission
> is because the saver cannot save out audio data. This, in turn, is
> because the saver uses Enough, and Ehough can't store audio data.
> I didn't want to write a "dry" schema without testing it in parallel,
> so I've held off, hoping that Enough and the saver will improve.
> The loader and saver have been imported into CVS, in the new "vml"
> module right here: 
> <http://projects.blender.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/vml/?cvsroot=verse>.
> The chronically curious can read the schema/vml.vxd file to see the
> XML Schema in all its glory. :)
>> I anticipate being able to translate any old-style VML files into the 
>> new format very easily, so I hope we can drop support for it from the 
>> loader tool rather quickly after these changes have been made.
> I haven't done anything in this department, but I still think it's
> something that'd be fairly easy to do. Even easier, of course, is to
> just use an old version of the loader together with the new saver,
> like so:
> +--------------+                +--------+               +---------+
> | old VML data | > old loader > | server | > new saver > | new VML |
> +--------------+                +--------+               +---------+
> This takes seconds, if you have an old loader laying about. If anyone
> managed to amass a lot of VML data, I can get you the old loader source
> so you can make the conversion.
> Oh, these tools have not been built in anything but Linux by me; I would
> appreciate success/failure reports, and (even more) a Makefile.win32, 
> and similar for Mac OS X too of course.
> Enjoy,
> /Emil
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