[Verse-dev] Spec updated; Pitfalls page

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed May 18 17:02:11 CEST 2005


I just wanted to drop a note saying that I've updated the spec a little.

There were two major changes:
* The Text node page (http://www.blender.org/modules/verse/verse-spec/n-text.html)
  received a major overhaul, since I realized it was incorrect. I also added an
  example illustrating the semantics of the t_text_set command.
* I added some text explaining the 'type' parameter on the g_layer_subscribe page
  (http://www.blender.org/modules/verse/verse-spec/g_layer_subscribe.html) since
  Jiri asked about it earlier.

The thing that pointed out the errors in the text node was Camilla's very nice
"Common Verse Pitfalls" page, here: <http://www.elmindreda.org/verse/pitfalls.html>.

Absolutely recommended reading for everyone! Thanks a lot to Camilla for putting
that together, it's a really great resource to have and point new Verse hackers

Code on, regards


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