[Verse-dev] Verse and Maya

Rémi Fontan remi at eggstorycp.com
Fri Jul 1 08:08:50 CEST 2005


Verse looks interesting. I'm working with Maya and I'm looking for a 
kind version control system. Verse seems to be a good framework to get 
build such system. I started to read a bit its specification document 
(v2) and I have some questions.

Is it possible to completely represent a maya scene using Verse entity 
(object, material, geometry...). Maya uses a lot shader graph, is it 
possible to express this using Verse?

If it's possible, does that mean this won't be compatible with other 
system like Blender or XSI (if I decide to create a verse plugin for XSI)?

Is Verse only designed to send basic data or complex scenes?


Rémi Fontan
tel  : +65 9793 0590
mail : remi at eggstorycp.com
web  : www.eggstorycp.com

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