[Verse-dev] About a_block_clear

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Wed Jan 26 17:01:47 CET 2005

> Eskil,
> what are the semantics of the a_block_clear audio node command? From
> reading the server code in vs_node_audio.c, it seems to free the
> memory associated with storing the block. Shouldn't it then be called
> a_block_destroy? Of course, it then becomes reasonable to call the
> set-command a_block_create...

Well the idea is that audio blocks are stored a bit differently then say
vertices. in the case of vertices, a hole is an array is just a non
existing vertex, a polygon referencing to that vertex is a non-valid
polygon. But when it comes to audio, a non set block is a silent portion
of the audio track. It can be played and used, you just wont hear it. so
if you habe a audio layer with 3 blocks set and clear the middle one, the
layer doesnt get shorter, it just gets a silent portion in the middle.
Actiually, the layer always have infinit length its just that most of it
is silent.

Does the naming make more sence now?


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