[Verse-dev] server time out

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Mon Jan 10 04:33:38 CET 2005


Some people have complained that you cant re-connect to a server if you
app craches untill the old connection has timed out. I think this timeout
was 20 second or something like that, so my temp fix was just to ask the
people who had problems to change it to 5 seconds or something like that.
You cant set it to under 2 seconds because idle trafic sends only one
packet every 2 seconds, so then it would timeout during normal traffic. If
one packet during idle trafic is lost you would get a timeout with
anything under 4 seconds so thats why i suggested 5 seconds.

Anyhow, It was time for a real fix, so i reserverd packet id zero for
connection atempts, so now a connection that has not yet timedout can be
interupted by a new connection atempt, and in this case the host will just
erase the old connection and start a new one. So now you can set the
connection timeout to something like 30 seconds or more. This gives you
the kind of redundancy where you can pull the plug on the network, wait a
few second and put the plug back and you are back in action.

However, I added a new 3 second timeout, so that a re-connect can not take
over a connection if the old connection has sent any packets the last 3
seconds. Why? well if it was possible to send a packet that would
automaticly diss connect users, by claiming to be a new re-connect atempt,
a hacker would be able to dissrupt the protocol.

So my question to you who have been having this timeout problem, I ask:
Would a 3 second timeout still be a problem?



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