[Verse-dev] Purple and Makefile

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Sat Feb 26 14:15:28 CET 2005

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 12:58:22 +0100
Jiri Hnidek <jiri.hnidek at vslib.cz> wrote:

> Hi emil,
> you propably forgot commited two .c files in your purple project:
> ./plugins/libcurvetest.c
> ./pluguns/libmattest.c
> or you forgot change Makefile in plugins directory.

Yeah, I noticed this last night actually, thanks. I'll add them
on Monday, just so it's complete.

It's good to hear that you've tried building Purple, but I'm not at
all sure that it's "ready for prime time", there is almost no docu-
mentation so it's not at all obvious how to use it at the moment.

Still, questions are welcome as always.



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