[Verse-dev] Crypto questions

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Feb 21 09:53:25 CET 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 20:10:33 +0100
Emil Brink <emil at obsession.se> wrote:

> > This is how it stands right now, there is some minor things i would like
> > to add in the future but its good for now.
> Actually, due to my rather... energic and not fully clued-in hacking during
> the end of the work week, this is *not* how the code actually stands. I
> will correct it to work according to "spec" on Monday, it should not change
> anything above the API level of course, I just need to make sure the proper
> keys are used in the different stages.

I believe I have done the necessary changes to use the keys specified in
Eskil's earlier post for the various stages, now. Feels better. :)



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