[Verse-dev] Verse and HPVM

Baldridge, Timothy tbaldridge at alertacademy.com
Wed Feb 16 19:54:42 CET 2005

I'm the project manager for HPVM (http://hpvm.sourceforge.net). My project could greatly benefit from the Verse library. However, there are a few questions I do have.

(1) Does Verse have a way to convert from little to big endian machines? In other words if the server is running on a Mac and the clients on Win32 machines, will they all co-exist peacefuly?

(2) Is there a way to keep blocks of raw data on the Verse Server? If not how hard would it be to add one. Verse currently is a little too graphics oriented for my needs. I had thought of doing a fork, but if we could add a memory block object, that would take care of many issues, and give my project a big boost. 

Anyway, any help would be great!


Timothy Baldridge

HPVM Project Manager

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