[Verse-dev] Quelsolaar not compiling (gcc-3.4)

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Aug 15 09:15:03 CEST 2005

Jorge Samuel Jenkins Corona wrote:
> Hi,
>   I just downloaded all repositories on the Verse CVS, and Quelsolaar
> apps aren't compiling. I am using gcc-3.4.
>   Can anyone send me please some directons about what to hack to get it
> running?

Heh. Cute with localized (is that Spanish?) gcc errors, although it 
might make it a bit hard for people like me to actually help you, as I 
don't read Spanish very well.

Anyway, I'm sorry for the problems you're seeing. :( I believe the 
reason is simply that the Quel Solaar module is "stale", it is not kept
up to date by anyone. I believe there is updated code floating around,
from Eskil, but it has not yet been committed into the CVS.

Hopefully, this will be done sooner rather than later.



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