[Verse-dev] Siggraph

Phillip Martin pmartin at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Aug 9 01:12:39 CEST 2005

Thumbs up on the Verse BoF Eskil, it was very neat to see it in action,
and to actually see people excited about it.

It'll be very exciting to see it integration into a number of 3D
applications, and I can't wait to see how easy it will be to put into
our visualisation tool at work. It should be a great deal of fun.

I also really nejoyed the Blender Coder Workshop BoF, Ton gave a great
overview o the Blender architecture, and was great to see a nice verbal
discussion on DAGs

The accouncement side was a little light this year, but there were some
great papers and courses I reckon, particularly on the geometry side of
things. The paper on variational tetrahedral meshing was just too cool
for words.

- Phil Martin

> -----Original Message-----
> From: verse-dev-bounces at projects.blender.org 
> [mailto:verse-dev-bounces at projects.blender.org] On Behalf Of 
> Eskil Steenberg
> Sent: Monday, 8 August 2005 11:50 AM
> To: verse-dev at projects.blender.org
> Subject: [Verse-dev] Siggraph
> Well im not yet back from Siggraph, Im writing this in the 
> lobby of chelsea hotel New York where i happened to end up, 
> its a very special hotel, Arthur C clark wrote the screen 
> play to 2001 here, the song "take a walk on the wild side" is 
> about the place, and the film "LEON" was shot here.
> Dee Dee Ramone, Edith Piaf, Dylan Thomas, Mark Twain, Bob 
> dylan, Sid Vicious, Jimi Hendrix, and many others have lived 
> here. Check out the site if you want to know more:

Soggraph was not very interesting this year, Not any real announcements
except the one about the lack of OpenGL support in windows Vista. Im
sure you all know about it but if you dont check out OpenGL.org . Many
people with in the ARB has known about this for some time but haven't
been able to say something due to NDAs. If there is any thing you can do
to influence MS i urge you to do so.

The verse part of the show was successfull and we managed to get quite
the turn out at the BOF. I meet many people who knew about verse already
so it spreading. With the integration of verse in to large apps going on
i think we should be able to get some real verse end users soon.

I also want to thank Robin Rowe, Ton and every one else who helped
promote verse during Siggraph.



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