[Verse-dev] Call for Speakers - MOSS Multimedia Open Source Software Conference

Robin Rowe rower at MovieEditor.com
Sun Aug 7 05:11:54 CEST 2005

Call for Speakers - MOSS Multimedia Open Source Software Conference

The first annual MOSS Conference to be held on Saturday, March 4th, 2006, in 
the San Francisco bay area near San Jose or Berkeley. This all-day event 
will have a general admission price of under $100. Due to the low cost of 
the conference we're unable to pay travel expenses, but speakers will 
receive free admission.

Potential speakers are welcome to send a description of their proposed 
talk(s) and should include a short one-paragraph bio. Sessions are 45 
minutes long each.

Please send all MOSS-related email (including general suggestions and offers 
to volunteer to help) to moss at movieeditor.com.

Suggested MOSS Topics:

* 64-bit desktop Linux

* Ardour

* Audacity

* Blender


* Cairo

* CinePaint

* Cuisine



* FreeDesktop

* Games

* GPU applications

* Graphics drivers

* GraphicsMagick

* Jack

* Java and J2ME

* Linux on Mac

* Low-latency kernels

* OpenEXR

* OpenGL

* PVRs

* Render queues

* Shotcut

* Sweep

* V4L


* Visualization

* Xine


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