[Verse-dev] using material node for audio

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Thu Apr 28 21:20:14 CEST 2005


>>I think this is what Peter was referring to. I'm not sure though, I'll
>>leave this debate to you guys. His idea to use these three pointers to
>>point at audio-specific layers seems totally right to me, together with
>>the idea to use several material trees for to achieve the required
>>number of bands/channels. I guess he didn't feel that was very pleasant
>>to work with, though.

Sorry, I missunderstood. Yes you would be able to use geometry layers to
pipe in geometry layer data.

> Exactly what I was referring to, but now I found a problem with this
> hack, the layer would be associated to an object and not to the material
> as I would like. So now Im thinking of using the texture fragment
> instead, that would solve this problem.

Again i dont understand what the problem is.

> I dont think its the right way to use a complex graph structure when the
> data you have is inheritly an simple array of numbers and its in this
> form you will process the data. It would be extreamly clumpsy and stupid
> to have 96 copies of the same fragment graph, the only thing that will
> differ is the numerical data at the leafs, and you have no use of the
> graph structure itself, it is just a awkward way to store the array of
> numbers.

It sound to me like you are only looking to find a place to stick the
data, but i actiualy want it to use the material graph just like you would
for color.

The idea is that you should be able to build a graph to realy describe the
kind of material you have. Just like an color material. Imagine that you
wanted to create a simple audio material, then you would create a output
fragment named "audio2khz", and then connect that to a blender fragment
set to multiply, the A link would point to a light fragment, and the B
link to a color. The color value would be set to 0.5, 0.5, 0.5.

Now if a sound with frequencey 2khz would hit this surface you would you
would get a diffuce reflection, and that reflection would be multiplyed
with 0.5. if you would set the color values to 2, the object would reflect
twice as much sound as it gets in. if you would remove the color fragment
and add a geometry pointing to a layer instead, you would be able to have
diferent amount of reflectivity on different areas of your geometry.

This tree could be made more interesting by adding an other blender
fragment or two, and conect in a reflection, or a transparancy. this way
the way the surface could be made transparent or get a reflection that is
less diffuce.

I would suggest that you play arond with the material editor in connector.
it gives you a good feeling for what you can do.

> As I interpret it, fragments are a way to represent micro geometry

No this isnt really true they represent many many things. and you can do
very complex things with it.

> We are more intressted in
> simplifying the geometry rather the make it more complex. So the use of
> fragment graphs is not very intressting for audio, we just need a simple
> way to store our material data that is inherently an array of numbers.

I want it to me more complex then that.

> If you think fragment also should be used to describe acoustic
> properties of materials there has to be some opening to make this
> possible or we need to make some workable hack to squeez in what we
> need. One such solution would be to have an unlimited number (but
> finite)  of channels in fragement. Then we can have a meaningful use of
> a fragment graph.

making such a change is currently impossible due to IP packet size


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