[Verse-dev] Update to R5 - unresolved externals

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Apr 20 16:42:14 CEST 2005

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 16:17:29 +0200
"Marcus Hoffmann" <Marcus.Hoffmann at igd.fhg.de> wrote:

Hi Marcus!

> Today I downloaded the currently available cvs version of R5.
> Compiling was no problem - the only thing I found out was that the
> particle node seemed to be kicked. But no problem...

> When integrating the lib into the server and compiling I finally got
> 27 unresolved external symbols - all coming from the verse lib. Maybe
> I didn't get all files with all definitions? Or did you include some
> additional libs compared to R4 that I'm missing?
> The error list is attached. Any hints?

Hm. How did you compile it, exactly? With make on the command line, or
using something like old existing project files or some such? There are
new files in R5 that were not present in R5, like v_bignum.c and v_prime.c
that some of the missing symbols are defined in. Perhaps they are not
included in your build process?



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