[Verse-dev] Building Verse on Win32 (gcc)

Kaos kaos at explosive.se
Tue Apr 19 22:07:58 CEST 2005

Emil Brink wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 01:17:24 +0800
> TJay <tjay.dreaming at gmail.com> wrote:
>>(Sorry about that Kaos. Accidentally sent the reply directly to your email..)
> Thanks to Kaos for assisting TJay with this, it's very encouraging for
> me to see other people stepping up and actually having experience
> with the Verse codebase.

Np :)

> I'm sorry about the problems TJay, I will look into it in more detail
> tomorrow (was kind of mentally stuck in a different problem today,
> but at least got Cygwin installed on my Win box at work).
>>Any functions which I use in my app are "undefined". I only link with
>>verse, so I don't think there's any re-ordering that I can do.

Well, when you link in libverse.a, you'll also need to provide the libs
that verse is dependent upon, like SDL etc.

> Sounds reasonable. If you were extreme, you could use strace on the
> linking phase to see if it finds and loads your libverse.a correctly.
>>I tried compiling loq and enough. Had some weird stuff with types
>>being defined in both "st_types.h" and "verse.h". Hacked around a bit.
>>Then got another bunch of weird stuff. Couldn't manage to hack all of
>>them away... I didn't use your .dev files though. Will try them
>>tomorrow, when my headache has subsided x_x

Yes, I needed to tweak the sources quite a bit, but it was a few months ago,
so I'm not sure what it was, but it felt mainly like updates that wasn't
propagated to all sources.. so it is possible to do even for a newbie (like me).

> Again, I'm sorry our stuff is giving you a headache. But very glad
> to see you keeping at it. :D
>>Maybe the versions don't tally. I'm using the stuff that's been
>>officially released. Verse release 4 patch 1. No idea about Loq and
>>the others.
> Aha. I recommend switching to the (unreleased) R5 version, by
> checking out the release-r5-branch from CVS. That's where all the
> work is going on at the moment, so it's best to use that. I think
> it's in an okay state today.

Ah, nice info. Noticed they were there, but haven't made the switch, since I'm
not currently using verse in any application..

Might check into my sources to see what I did for changes tomorrow if there's any
interest left in that branch.. ?


> One of "our" developers at KTH, Camilla, said on irc that she had
> no problems compiling the R5 branch using Cygwin, earlier today.
> Of course she might be biased, heh, but then again she does most of
> her main development work in Mac OS X and just re-tested on Win32
> because I asked her. :)
> Regards, and more tomorrow.
> /Emil
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