[Verse-dev] Building Verse on Win32 (gcc)

Kaos kaos at explosive.se
Tue Apr 19 13:43:17 CEST 2005

Sent some Dev-C++ proj files to TJay, see if it makes any difference..
oh.. it just bounced, well.. maybe someone else is interested as well,
fetch it at http://kaos.explosive.se/files/verse_proj_files.rar

I've sucessfully compiled betray and the other apps that emil and eskil has written with Dev-C++ using these proj-files.

See if you find something usefull in them.. :o)


TJay wrote:
> Hi it's me again :) I've tried to compile Verse by typing "make" at
> the shell, but the linker always gives me "undefined references"
> errors when linking the v_network.c file. I've tried this on Cygwin
> and MinGW's MSYS, as well as from the Windows Command Prompt. None of
> them worked. I get a "libverse.a" file which is 800-900KB in size, but
> linking it with my test Verse app gives me "undefined references" for
> all Verse API functions that I call, so I assume that the library did
> not compile correctly.
> Using Dev-Cpp I can compile it without any errors being reported, by
> creating a new "Static Lib" project and importing all the verse source
> files and compiling. However the compiled libverse.a file is only
> ~150KB in size, and it also does not work.
> I thought gcc might be forgetting to link in the libwsock32.a file, so
> I tried editing the Verse makefile and placing "-lwsock32" to the CC
> line, but that didn't work. I then proceeded to add all kinds of
> libraries to that same line, like "libws2_32", etc etc. I even tried
> replacing winsock.h in the source file with winsock2.h and linking
> with the Winsock2 library. Nothing worked.
> Has anyone built Verse successfully on windows with gcc? Can you tell
> me how? Or is there a pre-compiled verse library that I could use?
> Sorry if this seems like a really silly question, I'm terrible at this...
> Anyways cheers! ;)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Here are the errors gcc reported: (there were several warnings like
> "enum not used in switch statement..." before this point, but I don't
> think they really matter.)
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x57): In function `v_n_socket_create':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:70: undefined reference to
> `WSAStartup at 8'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0xa5):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:79:
> undefined reference to `socket at 12'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0xee):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:84:
> undefined reference to `ioctlsocket at 12'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x119):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:92:
> undefined reference to `htons at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x143):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:94:
> undefined reference to `bind at 12'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x1b7): In function `v_n_socket_destroy':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:105: undefined reference to
> `closesocket at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x239): In function `v_n_set_network_address':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:125: undefined reference to
> `gethostbyname at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x277):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:128:
> undefined reference to `htonl at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x2d3): In function `v_n_send_data':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:142: undefined reference to `htons at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x2e7):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:143:
> undefined reference to `htonl at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x33f):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:150:
> undefined reference to `sendto at 24'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x3ed): In function `v_n_wait_for_incoming':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:170: undefined reference to `select at 20'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x446): In function `v_n_receive_data':
> C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:185: undefined reference to `htons at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x487):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:187:
> undefined reference to `recvfrom at 24'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x49b):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:188:
> undefined reference to `ntohl at 4'
> libverse.a(v_network.o)(.text+0x4af):C:/msys/1.0/home/TJay/verse/v_network.c:189:
> undefined reference to `ntohs at 4'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make: *** [verse] Error 1
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~ TJay in Trouble ~
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