[Verse-dev] Edges in Geometry node?

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Tue Apr 19 08:38:48 CEST 2005

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 11:19:11 +0800
TJay <tjay.dreaming at gmail.com> wrote:

> I see I have a lot of experimenting ahead of me x_x Well, Verse still
> seems like a wonderful platform to base my work on, so I hope I manage
> to learn it.

I have no doubts that you will, it's fairly small actually. Somewhat
complex perhaps, but small.

> With you guys helping, that should be no problem. I'll let you know
> if I come up with anything ;)

Please do, we're really interested in hearing about what people use
Verse for, and to generally get more people using it.

Not sure if you know, but if you like IRC, you could drop by the
#verse channel on the Freenode network (freenode.net), I'm almost
always there during (Swedish) daytime, and Eskil is there during
whatever time he feels is right. Or something. Other people working
with Verse hang out there as well, so it's a good place to be.

> Thanks a lot for the replies. I really appreciate it. And for coming
> up with such an amazing new idea for a protocol :) Keep at it, and
> good luck with your other work!

Thanks, and good luck to you too.

> By the way sorry about replying to your email address directly, Emil,
> I'm new to mailing lists x_x

No problem. :)



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