[Verse-dev] Edges in Geometry node?

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Mon Apr 18 14:01:25 CEST 2005


Ill try to give some insight.

The reason why verse doesnt represent edges is that they are implicit if
you have polygons. an edge with out a polygon is not normaly needed for
rendering and only in some cases used for modeling. But there are few
cases where you might what to have edge data:

First since you mention Loq Airou, yes it has a forme of edge based
modeling, but all edges you create are stored localy on Loq and not
transferd using verse. The idea is that the edges is a part of the tool
kit of Loq and are not importante for others to know about, all they want
to know about is ther result: the model. I could have stored the edges in
tags or something like that, but then it wouldent be likly tha any other
clients would understand them. Sure in a Loq to Loq case it would work,
but i found it not to be worth the hassle. So to sum up, feel free to let
you modeler have local data about things like, construction history,
tools, settings, and view points.

In some renderig systems you have a different representation localy like
"winged edge" (like the modeler named "wings" after the data structure)
that include edge and naighbour information that can be usefull for
modeling. If you need this extra information you should take the verse
data ajnd convert it to that data structure that fits you. (I do this a
lot, especialy in the rendering code im writing). Every one have different
ideas on what data structures are the best so verse has a very simple
plane one and then people can convert to what ever they want internaly.

There is actiualy one place where verse stores edge information and that
is creases. in order to make a sharp edge crease you create a polygon
corner layer wher each value coresponds to one edge of the polygon. So
this is how you can set sharp and smooth SDS edges.

Does this explain it?

It great to have you no, Its great tohear about your project. If you have
more questions fire away.


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