[Verse-dev] Bugs in method handling

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Thu Sep 23 10:25:22 CEST 2004


I found and fixed two bugs in the handling of method calls this
morning, the fixes are in CVS, update on the release-r4-branch
to get them.

For the curious and/or do-it-yourselfer, the bugs where:

1. Incorrect reading out of packed parameter block size, in
   v_cmd_def_o.c line 430 or so. It used to read
	"\t\tvnp_raw_unpack_uint16(&params, &size);\n"
   which is incorrect, the first ampersand should not be there.
2. Use of unitialized "count" variable when sending out
   a method call to group subscribers, that typically lead
   to no call being sent out at all. Add a line like this:
	count =	vs_get_subscript_count(node->groups[group_id].subscribers);
   right before the for-loop in callback_send_o_method_call(),
   vs_node_object.c line 647 in my case.

I found the existance of both of these problems weird, since I'm
fairly sure I've fixed them earlier, too...



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