[Verse-dev] img_img progress

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Sep 22 08:03:21 CEST 2004

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:26:27 -0700
"Robin Rowe" <rower at MovieEditor.com> wrote:

> Eskil,
> FYI.
> Have built the img_img command-line utility (sort of like ImageMagick
> convert) and am working on the img_ppm plug-in. Next will create the
> img_server to support the external img_img API for Blender. Working in VC++
> 6 but will be portable.
> http://cinepaint.bigasterisk.com/ImgImgArchitecture

Looks cool, although I'm certainly not familiar with the design goals
you have in mind here.

A couple of questions off the top of my head:

1. It *looks* like it replaces the tile-based architecture from GIMP
   with straight, sequential, memory buffers. I guess GIMP uses tiles
   so that an image can be partially in RAM; is this not a goal for
   img_img? Perhaps it's cleverly hidden, of course.
2. Is there some rationale for when a call contains the word "Image"
   and when it does not? Is imgClose() used to destroy e.g. layers
   too? Can imgInfo() get info on objects other than images?
3. Create() and Close() are not obvious opposites to me, but perhaps
   it makes more sense in a larger context.
4. Why the decision to avoid varargs and use strings?

I realize these are probably answered somewhere, so feel free to just
point me to a mailing list archive, web page, or whatever.



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