[Verse-dev] development using CVS

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Fri Sep 17 11:26:39 CEST 2004

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:09:56 +0200
Thorsten Jordan <Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> i have a proposal for the verse development: why not storing the code on 
> a cvs server?
> The code is not that big by now, so it is no problem to download the 
> full version when something changed. However it would be a lot simpler 
> to get code changes via cvs than always downloading a new .zip.
> And you have more advantages, like a version control or that you can see 
> what was changed. It helps finding bugs also. The code is open source 
> anyway so no one has any disadvantages here.
> Just developing a new version only on the own computer and releasing 
> them from time to time isn't that helpful for a common development or 
> usage. E.g. the users have to check their programs again to find bugs 
> (either in the server or their apps), it would be a lot easier if you 
> could track down which change lead to a bug, changes would occour in 
> smaller steps. This can only be found out with version control systems 
> like cvs. And finally it doesn't cost anything - you get an sourceforge 
> project for free, with the addition of more security for your data - 
> backups and the like.
> Any comments?

I massively agree, and would even go so far as to wish for *all* code
developed in Uni-Verse to be stored on publically accessible CVS servers.
Not only for practical reasons, as I don't expect to be able to actually
use all that code, but it is (for me, at least) very good for morale to
see the development being done, and having a large bunch of CVS live
repositories sure helps. It's simply... nice. Perhaps it's just me. :)

In the case of the core Verse codebase, the code leading up to r3p2 is
indeed in CVS, here:
and has been since the beginning of March. The repository is tagged with
each release as can be expected.

However, for reasons that continue to elude me (and I don't want to spend
every waking moment fighting this fight), Eskil seems to be very reluct-
ant to actually use CVS during his own development. It's left to me to keep
the CVS in sync, and when major changes are happening as with R4 now, I get
behind and also a bit...  demotivated. As I wrote in response to Nathan, I
of course intend to bring the CVS back in sync with the R4 code, but per-
haps hold off until it's stabilized a bit more to keep the workload down.

Btw, the Purple codebase is in the same CVS repository, the URL would be
<http://projects.blender.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/purple/?cvsroot=verse>. It
is of very limited use and interest to anyone but me at the moment, but I
sure like the fact that the code is in CVS anyway, for all the reasons
mentioned above. Plus, it makes me happy to know it's not only living on
my laptop, which could of course be stolen/drowned/melted at any time.



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