[Verse-dev] various questions

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Sun Sep 12 16:02:03 CEST 2004

Hello Eskil, Emil and all of you,

i have some questions... (maybe i've already asked one of them earlier, 
i just follow my todo list ;-)

in which order are the transformations applied that verse stores in an 
object node, i mean we have translation, rotation, scaling. I suppose 
first scale, then rotate, then translate, in gl-multiply-order so 
glTranslate, glRotate, glScale ?

You said that the target_id argument of an link is used for choosing 
parts of an node, like a layer id. My viewer is nearly finished, but i 
never found any use for this value...

A client can subscribe to various mipmap levels of a bitmap. Does that 
mean that the server automatically generates lower detail levels for the 
clients? If it is so, is the current server able to do that?

Is the verse_send_connect_terminate function also a callback? The spec 
says that the client can use this function to terminate the session. But 
the server could use it to unjoin clients...  is this so?

In which order the float values of a quaternion are stored behind the 
real32 pointer in verse_send_transform_rotate?

Greetings, Thorsten

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