[Verse-dev] Error in spec

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Wed Oct 27 17:33:16 CEST 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:23:35 +0200
Peter Lundén <plu at tii.se> wrote:

> sorry im still using r3p2

Aha, okay. Please upgrade, as all the fun (heh) is happening in R4 these
days, and it really is better.

I would actually go so far as to encourage all developers to check out
the release-r4-branch branch of Verse from CVS, and then update their
repositories from time to time.

This really is simple ("cvs update" in the directory should be enough
on any platform with a standard cvs command-line client[*]) and very
useful, as it minimizes the time between a fix being committed and you
benefitting from the improved code.

Today there have been two significant bug fixes in the branch version
(one ACK/NAK sending fix from Brecht that really helps matters, and
a crash in the geometry node that Valgrind helped me track down and
fix a few minutes ago).

I do not have time/resources to do a new release for every fix.

The downside, of course, is that CVS is sometimes intentionally broken,
too. :)

But at least upgrade to the archived version, then.



[*] This is meant as a general informational statement to the list as a
    whole, I'm not implying you don't already know this stuff, Ludde. :)

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