[Verse-dev] verse4 experiences, part4

Thorsten Jordan Thorsten_Jordan at gmx.de
Tue Oct 19 19:03:31 CEST 2004

Brecht Van Lommel schrieb:
> Hi,
> Your apps compiled out of the box on Linux. Nice!
> - One problem in your push_model.cpp seems to be ~line 422:
> if (materials_pushed && objectnodes.size() == nrmeshes+1+nrlights) {
> On some files objectnodes.size() is bigger than nrmeshes+1+nrlights, so
> I changed it to:
> if (materials_pushed && objectnodes.size() >= nrmeshes+1+nrlights) {
I've found and fixed the problem. I counted the avatar node, too.
Thank you very much for testing my applications and finding that bug!

I've attached the current pusher code. It can push smaller off's and the 
3ds now without server crash.
The 3ds scenes are missing texture coordinates though.
And bigger .off files (like the stanford bunny or the cow) aren't sent 
or received properly. The pusher exits without errors...

Greetings, Thorsten
-------------- next part --------------
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