[Verse-dev] Changes in v_man_pack_node.c

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Tue Oct 19 15:14:09 CEST 2004


I just checked in a slightly altered version of v_man_pack_node.c,
the file that holds non-automatically generated command pack/unpack

The changes regard the text node, which was (as far as I could tell,
please yell Eskil if I messed up) rather broken. Whether this is
due my previous work in this file, I don't know.

Anyway, it seemed it never did *deliver* (invoke call-backs) for
buffered text, which lead to data loss. This has been rectified,
and I also took the liberty to rename some data structures such as
VTempLine (now VTempText, since it really isn't a single line).

It works a whole lot better for me now, and Purple's plug-in XML
(at a massive almost-5 KB) is now delivered properly. I tried
being a bit nasty and varying the amount of text sent out by Purple
from the default of 1024 bytes and down to 128 bytes (leading to
at worst an eightfold increase in the buffering needed) with no



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