[Verse-dev] creating layers, links, fragments, which id to use

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Sun Oct 17 16:02:35 CEST 2004


> no, i don't use my avatar's object at all, this can't be the problem.
I dont mean to be on you case on this, you may be right, but this is one 
thing the i would like to high light for everyone on the list.

When you run verse_send_node_list the avatar node will have its owner 

In other words if you run thees two commands:

extern void verse_send_node_list(0xffffffff);
extern void verse_send_node_create(0, V_NT_OBJECT, VN_OWNER_MINE);

You will get two object nodes back with its owner set to VN_OWNER_MINE.

Just one one of thous things...


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