[Verse-dev] connection bugs

Eskil Steenberg eskil at obsession.se
Tue Oct 12 01:54:42 CEST 2004


I will fix the bugs and get a new release out this week, I also want to 
change the tile size to 8.

>- A new inconvenience in r4 (not really a bug) is that i can't have a
>client quickly reconnect to a server, when the previous client hasn't
>sent cleanly terminated the connection. What happens is that the
>connection hasn't timed out yet, but the new client gets the same
>ip/port assigned. The server then refuses to connect, until the 20s
>timeout time has passed.
>I lowered the 20s to 3s in my cvs checkout, so I doesn't bother me
>anymore. But it's not very nice behavior. I don't have a solution
>though. Maybe the client could somehow get a random port, or the server
>could kindly tell the client to get another port?

Emil I just talked about this. I thought I fixed it. I will look in to 
it again.

If you want a set the log out value set it to 5 seconds. With 3 i think 
a single lost packet can  trigger a disconnect.


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