[Verse-dev] high level python api

Nathan Letwory jesterking at letwory.net
Mon Oct 11 19:39:07 CEST 2004

> Hi,
>>I hope to have something working with Blender by that time. Currently I
>> am
>>rewriting some of Blenders use, but some basic verse should be working by
>>the time you and Emil speak.
> Could you say something more specific about it, or would you like to
> suprise us? ;-)

To be more specific: adding objects in blender or other interfaces, and
manipulate them. Object nodes and geometry nodes are my first target, from
there extending support.

I had already a working proto, but that was done in a very clumpsy way, so
I obliterated the code (so no-one would have to suffer the less nice parts
of the code). I think I've got somewhere on my server some screenshots of

>>Also I'm experimenting with using Verse from C#, in which I've made some
>>progress, but currently am stalled with connectivity problems (will
>>research further and come with a better description than just stating
>> that
>>there is a problem ;). Preliminary tests show it is possible though.
> Do you use mono?

No, I use the free toolkit from MS itself.


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