[Verse-dev] high level python api

Brecht Van Lommel blendix at pandora.be
Mon Oct 11 19:30:27 CEST 2004


On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 07:43, Emil Brink wrote:
> > s.PurpleEngine.PurpleGraph.mod_set_int32(0, 1, 2, 3)
> > s[17].MyTagGroup.MyBooleanTag = True
> > print s.PurpleMeta.plugins.text()
> > 
> > PurpleEngine is a node name, PurpleGraph is a method group name, 17 is a
> > node id, .... You can guess whose app i used for testing :).
> I can indeed. Heh. Great, although I'm not sure how you can make sense
> of anything in Purple right now, it's not exactly polished up for deli-
> very. Still, feel free to ask any questions you might have; I'd love
> some feedback.

I can't make much sense of it, just calling random methods, reading the
text buffers etc. So I can't give you much feedback now.

> > Another nice thing is that it calls v.callback_update() continuously in
> > a separate thread, so you don't have to type it after every verse
> > command on the command line.
> Sweet. Verse1 was multi-threaded as well, it certainly can make things
> easier. But also makes porting and stuff a bit harder.

I'm not sure how thread-safe versoo is. The intent was to have it
calling callback_update when the interactive interpreter is waiting for
input, not in scripts. But I haven't had any crashes or strange behavior

I've added bitmap node and object link stuff, plus wrote/generated some
docs using epydoc:


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