[Verse-dev] My apps in new release

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Oct 4 10:16:06 CEST 2004

On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 07:48:34 +0300 (EEST)
"Nathan Letwory" <jesterking at letwory.net> wrote:

> I suggest putting the sources in CVS for starters, and like Jiri said,
> Makefiles would be nice. You said you don't have those, but you sure do
> have *some* build system? Or do you compile all those files by hand, and
> also link by hand? I can perhaps do some SCons implementations for the
> apps.

Seconded; CVS should be a requirement.

I did a Makefile for the apps a while back, which was in the previous
"release" archive of this code. I don't have the inclination to look at
it right now, but the file used then is attached to this mail.

As you can see, it is pretty straight forward stuff; there are three
library targets for code that is shared among the apps:

	The data storage helper library; saves applications from having
	to create callbacks for all Verse commands, and maintain data
	structures according to what the server says. Has a fairly rich
	API for traversing stored data.

	A user interface library, using OpenGL to do interface elements
	and draw (vector-based) text.

	A GLUT/SDL-wrapper, for opening and managing OpenGL surfaces,
	read mouse and keyboard input, and stuff.

Each of the three applications (Connector, Loq Airou and the UV Editor)
depend on their own set of source files, prefixed co_*, la_* and uv_*
respectively, and the libs. That is basically it. I assume that Eskil
compile the apps using a Visual C++ project that also possibly includes
the entire Verse core code, in a rather... monolithical approach.

I have *not* tried compiling the current snapshot of the code using
the attached Makefile, by the way. Milages may very well vary.

Hope that helps,

-------------- next part --------------
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