[Verse-dev] re: timeouts

Enrico Schwass deckard73 at freenet.de
Tue Nov 30 20:16:05 CET 2004


> [timeouts]
> > I am short of time  All what I can say is: I used the yesterdays
> > snapshot from
> > http://download.blender.org/projects/verse/daily-checkouts/
> > and the timeouts (terminate)  happens not every time i start server and
> > client, but often An one week older snapshot works better. I will check
> > all compile  depencies now, and the todays snapshot, too.
> Well... We *did* lower the timeout for the r4p1 release, perhaps this is
> the reason for your problems becoming worse.
> However, the timeout should only matter if your programs spend a lot of
> time out of the verse_callback_update() function, since the server then
> can think the client has stopped responding. Without knowing your client
> code, it's a bit hard to say if this is in fact the problem, but it's my
> theory at the moment at least. :)

As I said, render.c also shows this behaviour. I did this one step after 
I compiled verse with


then I copied libverse.a and verse.h to the right system places

next I compiled verse-tests with following in the Makefile. Its a bit 


CFLAGS=-g -I$(VERSE) -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 
-I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include
LDLIBS=-L$(VERSE) -lverse -lGL -lglut -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lGLU 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib

Now I start verse wait some seconds and start render
What I expect is that I see a 3D window and this happens.
What I not expect is that I can see a lot of terminate messages on the 
client (render) shell (xterm) a few seconds after start

And ... its not everytime I start verse. On 10 tries it is 50/50. Hard 
to track this down


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