[Verse-dev] Quel solaar

Kaos kaos at explosive.se
Thu Nov 25 12:00:32 CET 2004


Eskil Steenberg wrote:

>>I would like to use Quel Solaar, but it seems that the link to the
>>Windows binaries in the Quel Solaar web-site is broken. Could, you
>>please fix that (or make it to compileable under Linux  :-) .
>I got a few people requesting this, It turns out that i havent got one my
>self, Quel solaar is currently beeing re-written (mainly the SDS code) So
>i will have a new version out as soon as i can.
Will you announce it on this list?

>On an other note, Emil and i Have started talking a bit about R5. As it
>looks right now R5 wont have any API changes, but will see the addition of
>working login encryption, we are also going to look in to performance
>issiues. This release is likely to be developed along side R4 and then
>made official probably not until next yeare. Anyone got any thing else
>they would like us to rewiev for R5?
Persistency? some way for the server to save all nodes into a file so 
the data is not lost upon server reset.

Another question: is there any information (manual/tutorial) on how the 
connector works?

And about the GUI, is there any way to change font/or size. Any other 
text than the large is quite hard to read.

// Andreas

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