[Verse-dev] Announce: Verse r4p1

Emil Brink emil at obsession.se
Mon Nov 15 15:53:34 CET 2004


Eskil is back, and he swung by the office to help me put together a
new release of Verse earlier today. The new release, called r4p1, is
a patch release only, meaning it should be totally API and network
protocl compatible.

The following changes have been done:

* Auto-disconnect timeout reduced from 20 to 5 seconds. This helps
  until the annoying reconnection-issue has been properly addressed.
* No limit on how much geometry layers can grow when creating new
  vertices/polygons. It used to be that you could only ask for a
  primitive with an ID at most 256 higher than the highest you had,
  but now there is no such limit. This helps with large uploads.
* No ownership testing on list_nodes, all nodes are reported as being
  owned by someone else. Newly created nodes will still report as
  being yours of course (this is required by typical uploaders).
* 1bpp bitmaps were broken (fixed by Brecht).
* Fragment creation was passed the wrong user data (Brecht).
* Various trace printf()s removed, but there are still a few.

There were also a few other minor fixes and improvements, some of
which were done by Brecht.

CVS HEAD has been synced to this release, or use the release-r4p1
tag, or the ZIP arhive on the Download-page.



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