[Verse-dev] Spec updated, o_link_destroy found

Marcus Hoffmann Marcus.Hoffmann at igd.fhg.de
Wed Nov 3 11:51:48 CET 2004

> Hello.
> I just uploaded a new build of the Verse spec to the usual place;
> this one includes a command I had simply forgotten. It is an aliased
> form of command 40 (o_link_set), which is called o_link_destroy.
> Please disregard talk about empty labels signifying the removal of
> a label; that is an internal implementation detail. The proper way
> to request deletion of a link is through this command, of course.
> I feel that the o_link_set command really should be called
> o_link_create
> to be symmetric with other commands of the same nature, but will not
> change this now. Comments?

Agree! Its easier to have a consistant command structure over all commands.
We have "create" in all other create-commands so I think its a good choice
to have it here to. I have in mind that there were 2 or 3 others were the
label is different too but i'm not sure... I will look for that again...



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