[Verse-dev] Simple Question

Marcus Hoffmann Marcus.Hoffmann at igd.fhg.de
Wed Nov 3 10:01:47 CET 2004

> > I just have a simple question.
> > Wich ids (of all the ids in the verse world) are set by the
> > user, and wich
> > ones have to be set by the server.
> Agreed, that is a simple question indeed. I'm afraid the answer is not
> quite that simple, however. :)

Hehe, thats what I found out, because there are much different ID types,
especially for the internal server use.... ;)

> > I noticed that geometry (layer, vertex ids etc.) are set by
> the user - is
> > that right?
> It is, more or less. I'm not aware of a strict definition of
> these things,
> that is something Eskil will have to provide me input on for the spec.
> I believe vertex and polygon IDs can be freely picked by
> clients up to a
> limit, which (after reading the code) seems to be 256
> vertices/polygons. I
> do not know the status of this constant, if it is an
> implementation detail
> or official standard. Thus, I need Eskil's input (and he's in
> Japan for two
> more weeks).

Ok, then lets wait for his return or maybe he's reading this before....

> > What about link ids?
> Link IDs are picked by the host, clients should use ~0 to
> request a new
> link to be allocated, or use a value previously returned by
> the host to
> refer to that link (to e.g. unset a link, use its ID and set
> the name to
> empty).

I thought from R4 on its the -1 to detect a true creation. I test
against -1, and if not -1 if the ID already exists. If not, then a new node
(or whatever) is created.

Its good that you remind me to that. In the future it would be really good
to know, in what way a change is "marked" - not only for links but for all
create/change commands. I knew that if a command refered to a node with an
existing ID this command is supposed to be a change and not a create. But
things like "if the name is empty, then destroy a link" is something that is
new to me. Such things should really be in the spec. I know your time for
that is limited, but how should someone know how to build a correct verse
client/server, if such things are only in eskils/your mind. ;)



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