[Verse-dev] Loq

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Thu, 13 May 2004 08:57:07 +0200 (MEST)

On Wed, 12 May 2004, Chris Want wrote:

> Any chance of creating a cvs module for loq?

I'll let Eskil answer that one. :)

> The current loq.zip does not have a Makefile and I could make one
> (again) but I would feel better about doing so if I could use cvs
> to create patches.

Yes, naturally. I am prepared to do a Makefile myself, once Eskil
gets the code compilable (see below).

> It currently does not compile using a simple makefile (various
> conflicting types from st_types.h and verse.h).

Nope, I think Eskil is working furiously to port Loq to the current
Verse core, release r1p1.

> I've never really seen a verse/loq demo, but I would like to.

Me, too. *Cough*.
