[Verse-dev] New update!

Eskil Steenberg verse-dev@blender.org
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 19:15:34 +0100


So im just about to get on a plane to go and give a talk at the Game 
developers conference and its going to be a lot of fun. The last few 
weeks i have had meetings and such but i have also found some time to do 
some coding. Ton has been here in Stockholm along with other members of 
the EU project, its been great, we have been planing how to bring verse 
closer to blender, listened to experimental jazz, and had some heated 
debates on design issues. But in the end i think we are going to make 
something really good out of it. I have just uploaded a new version of 
connector that should have some bugs fixed (i hope) and it also has the 
first embryo of a search function implemented, and also some sort of 
support for the new links system.

While on the subject of bug fixes, I have also found some in the verse 
source, I think there was a bug in the new link code that has been fixed. 

I have been playing about with quaternions and found a bug in the verse 
api, verse only sends 3 components where as quaternions need to be 4. I 
thought for a while that i only needed 3 because they are always 
normalized so the last one can be derived form the fist three, but then 
you dont get the sign bit. (-1 * -1 = 1 * 1). I have fixed this along 
with a curve node bug (also a lost argument).

as you may know verse is intended to have audio support in the future, i 
i just threw in a sample api of that too. I hope Emil can put the new 
source in CVS soon.

Emil has been doing a great work on updating the spec, and in a few week 
i think we will have a beautiful document on the web and as a PDF for 
every one to read.

I really want to here what you have to say about the new sound API. But 
just look , dont touch, it is not properly implemented in the protocol 
or the server.

One of my biggest question is should 24 bit audio be give to the api as 
packed 24 bit integers or 32 bit words where 8 bits is padding?

Ok i hope some of the new releases actually work. they are both up on: 