[Verse-dev] Spec updated

Emil Brink verse-dev@blender.org
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 11:37:29 +0200 (MEST)


I just uploaded a new version of the Verse specification, as always
(so far) the root page is here:

New in this version more polish than previously, added subscription
diagram for the Audio node which had been forgotten, and (most im-
portantly) a totally reworked Curve page, which I think is actually
precise enough to allow implementation. It *does* "lag ahead" a bit,
since discussion with Eskil yesterday made me believe we are going
to do some minor changes there. It's on the level of reordering and
renaming command parameters, so nothing major.

If you've tried to understand curves before, please let me know if
this helped, and if there are further things that need to be ex-

Also, yesterday, Eskil and I talked about doing additions to make it
far clearer and easier to actually *use* a curve. These talks were
along the lines of adding a o_animate command, and making it easier
to define where curves are to be "connected" to animate various
things in the data model (such as materials). This will probably be
in Release 3.

