[Verse-dev] Bitmap init_dimensions

Eskil Steenberg verse-dev@blender.org
Wed, 07 Jul 2004 16:46:50 +0200


>now that a bitmap can be resized at any time (new in R3), I really
>think the command should be renamed too. It used to be called
>"init_dimensions" to emphasize that it is something you need to do
>early, as an initialization.
I agree.

>Since that is no longer true, I think the command needs to be renamed
>to e.g. set_dimensions. Or dimensions_set, size_set, or why not
>simply resize. Yeah, I think I'd prefer "resize".
I dont agree.

i prefer "set_size". It used to be called "init" because it was 
different form other commands in that it couldent be called at any time. 
Now it isnt that special, Lots of commands are used to both create and 
change, and they are all named "create" or "set". For instance:

verse_send_g_layer_create is not named, verse_send_g_layer_change_type 
or  verse_send_g_layer_change_name and 
verse_send_g_vertex_set_real32_xyz is not named 

Does that make sense?